
Welcome to my Blog!

Hello! 你好!

I’m @I-am-Future, currently I am an undergraduate of computer science in CUHK-Shenzhen, interested in deep learning, robotics and computer vision. I love computer science, from low level microprocessors and assembly to high level applications, such as deep learning, computer graphics, etc.

Welcome to my blog! This blog is established on Mar. 21st, 2023. The aim is to build such a blog website which can be used to share my programming / other knowledges. There are few categories in my blog, you can access them from the button at the top. These include:

  • Series of knowledge (such as “Deep Learning”, “Pandas-SQL”)
  • Some problems I had met (“Problem Solving”)
  • Some package/tools Quick Reference Handbook (“QRH”), etc.

Also, you can use the search button at the top for the topics you like. All of them are very interesting.

Enjoy them!